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Confidence can arise with a variety of positive factors that exist within us . One is to have a slim body and attractive appearance .
Speaking of attractive appearance , have a healthy body and supported with a flat stomach , would be a desire for both men and women . In fact they are willing to do a variety of ways , such as routine to the gym or doing aerobics .
However , in addition to exercise , some foods also have an important role and allegedly powerful to flatten the stomach . Here are some foods that you should know , not only slimming , but also can form the stomach until blended , version :
1 . Almonds are not only delicious , but also useful . Almonds contain protein , fiber , vitamin E , and antioxidants high . In addition to producing high energy , almonds are also able to block the calories in the body .
2 . Eggs are a perfect source of protein . In addition , eggs are also believed to have nutritionists balance of essential amino acids . Consuming eggs in the morning will help you feel full throughout the day .
3 . Soybeans are food sources of antioxidants , fiber , and protein . Moreover , soybeans can be used as a snack . So snacking is no longer something that you should avoid .
4 . Spinach and green vegetables becomes a source of great strength and is able to neutralize free radicals ( molecules that can accelerate the aging process ) . In addition , spinach and other green vegetables , could prevent heart disease , stroke , obesity and osteoporosis .
5 . Berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants . Berries are able to throw 25-35 grams of calories in your body . Not only able to make your stomach flat , but by eating fruit types as berries also able to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer .
6 . Salmon is a fish that has a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3 ) which is able to burn fat . In fact , salmon can demolish a pile of cholesterol in the blood vessel walls that can interfere with the smooth blood circulation especially for obese people .
For those who want to have a flat stomach , it could not hurt to enter the list of food on your diet everyday.


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