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THYROID GLANDThe thyroid gland regulates metabolism of the body's basal ( cell body ) . It is in the front of the neck and has a shape like the letter H. The thyroid gland has the following functions .( 1 ) MetabolismMetabolism related to the use of food that is absorbed by the body . Food items will be burned into heat and energy to aktivitas.Terlalu active or less active this gland will cause physical changes in the body weight . Thyroid produce thyroxine hormone that increases the rate of activity in almost all chemical reactions in the body's cells .
( 2 ) Growth and developmentThe thyroid produces hormones that affect bone growth . In addition, it also controls the level of calcium with calcitonin , a hormone that regulates the movement of calcium into the bones . Work thyroid opposite to the work of parathyroid hormone that is increasing the demolition of calcium from the bones . Effect of growth hormone from the pituitary gland does not mean the absence of thyroxine .( 3 ) Drying the skinThyroid also controls the skin 's health . Less active thyroid will cause the skin to become dry . The outermost layer of the skin will become dry , dead cells , and will always be of the layer growth . If the rate of the cells were abnormal replaced , there will be a drought . Deficiency of thyroid function and directly control the pace .
( 4 ) CholesterolThyroid have an influence on the level of cholesterol in the body . Cholesterol is a fat like substance found in many tissues and is a component that causes clogged arteries . If cholesterol levels are too high , this can lead to arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries .parathyroid glandsParathyroid attached to the thyroid . Hormones control the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood . The level of calcium in the blood is very important because it plays a role in the blood clotting , muscle contraction , and action requirements . Most of the phosphorus in the body joining the calcium in the bones and the balance of assimilation and is closely related to calcium excretion .Parathyroid function as a regulator of calcium levels . Bones will continue to experience the destruction and renewal . Work of the parathyroid is taking calcium from reserves and adding to the body fluids when needed . The concentration of calcium in body fluids can work normally if kept within certain limits .Parathyroid who works in an abnormal state can cause health disorders such as seizures . Calcium and phosphorus are essential for the normal working of the muscles and nerves . Parathyroid Failure often causes an imbalance in the levels of calcium and phosphorus , where it produces excessive muscle contraction .
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